The design for the graphic t-shirt of the Museum of Printing, Haverhill, MA combines different elements regarding the history of printing including the Gutenberg press.
On the front of the t-shirt, each letter of the title "VISIT" is associated with a meaning. The V symbolizes the part of the printing machine used to put the paper before pressing. The I is the screw of the pressing machine completely made in wood. The goose stands for the S and it comes from the German name of Gutenberg which means goose meat. The second I is a movable type used by Gutenberg in the process of printing. And finally, the T reminds the typeface of the Baskerville Bible available in the Museum of printing. All these elements together are part of the history of printing and typography. Moreover, on the back of the t-shirt, the word "type" refers to typography and also to an “type” of visitor coming at the Museum of Printing.